Monday, December 31, 2012

Oblation and Surrender - Hedwig Lewis SJ

Oblation and Surrender

Hedwig Lewis SJ

Through the Spiritual Exercises, a Jesuit makes two distinct commitments. The first is contained in the prayer to Christ the Eternal King, with phrases like: “I make my OBLATION: I want and desire… my deliberate determination … I bear…” [SE 98].  I commit myself to act as a worthy disciple of Christ. I am aware that God’s grace is absolutely necessary; I presuppose that Christ will “choose or accept me”. Nevertheless, this commitment is to a style of leadership centred on MY activity.

A second, couched in the prayer “Take and Receive” (SE 234), is the ultimate commitment suggested by St Ignatius. I SURRENDER my capacities to God. I make no promises to engage myself in God’s cause, or to accomplish or achieve anything. My inner faculties are at God’s disposal; God becomes the prime mover of my life. I place myself so completely in God’s hands that I do not even specify what God should give me. God’s grace “is enough for me’. I simply trust in God’s providence, with total Ignatian indifference. As GOD directs, I put my love into action.

Revive your Long Retreat commitment. Renew your oblation and surrender!

Ordination Of Rev. Fr. Simon S.J. and Sanjay S.J.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ordinations of Sanjay Parmar and Simon Thomas- Fr. Sunil Macwan

Ordinations of Sanjay Parmar and Simon Thomas
Dec 29 was the day of ordination of deacons Sanjay Parmar and Simon Thomas. Nearly one thousand people including scores of priests and nuns gathered at St Xavier’s Parish Navrangpura for this heartwarming ceremony. In the brightly decorated parish church, Bishop Thomas Macwan conferred priesthood on the two Jesuit deacons who were dressed in immaculate white cassocks, as their parents and close relatives seated close to the altar looked on and prayed with “hearts filled with gladness”.

Frs Sanjay and Simon join the company of their newly ordained batch mates Frs Antony SureshDavid Roy and Harry Martis

The expert compere, Fr Ashok Vaghela did a commendable job as the master of ceremony in tandem with Fr Francis Macwan. The choir led by Fr Siddharth permeated the ambiance with melodious singing and lively music. After the mass as people thronged to greet the newly ordained priests, Fr Ronald Sanctis and team served a delicious meal to all guests. Kudos to Fr Valerian Dias, the parish priest of St Xavier’s Navrangpura for readily accepting the responsibility as the host and chief organizer of this ordination ceremony and executing it to perfection to the joy and delight of one and all! (Sunil Macwan)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

A wonderful example of Love and Commitment

Miss .Smita – who was in coma for the past eight years (the Sister of Fr.Snehal Parma- Sevasi Tech) died at 2.00 a.m and the funeral is at 2.00p.m 28 Dec 2012 at Xavier’s Church Gamdi, Anand.
           Kindly click the link above to view the interview of the  family of Fr.Snehal who serves as a wonderful example of love and commitment at the service of the bed ridden family member

Ignatian Leadership Programme -Fr.Raymund Chauhan

Ignatian Leadership Programme
 Sixteen middle-aged Jesuits of our province flocked together for their Ignatian Leadership follow-up programme at Saputara from 18 to 21 November. This was a second follow-up programme of this group under the able, wise and experienced leadership of Fr J M Heredero. This time the group had the privilege of yet another eminent Jesuit of our province Fr Franco, who brought in a lot of his experiences of the universal society. Both Frs Heredero and Franco, the odd couple as it were, came with well-planned inputs, centred on “effective and affective communication, dialogue and leadership.”

As the middle aged Jesuits climbed up the only Hill Station of Gujarat – Saputara, they also began to climb up slowly and gradually the heights of Ignatian Leadership. The group felt very much at home with each other, acting, reacting and interacting with each in sessions and outside sessions while relaxing. There was no inhibition of any kind from any quarter. To add to it the host – the Shamgahan Fathers – went all out of their way to prepare dishes that our Jesuits relished. At the end of programme the group decided to have a retreat in common in the coming Diwali Vacation at Mt Abu. It seems that the prevalent scarcity of Jesuit Leadership may reduce by such enriching and enhancing programmes in the province! Hats off to Frs. Heredero and Franco and of course the host. (Raymund Chauhan)

Monday, December 17, 2012

“Package tour” to Bethlehem- Fr.Hedwig Lewis

“Package tour” to Bethlehem
Hedwig Lewis SJ
Those who contemplate the Nativity tableau (“Crib”) with the Ignatian “composition of place” and “application of senses” can “draw much profit”.
St Ignatius suggests that you “compose” yourself so as to stay focused in prayer and find an entry point from exterior distractions to interior composure. Your imagination can then place you at the heart of the Nativity scene, so much so that you “smell and taste, with the senses, the infinite fragrance and sweetness of the Divinity.”
God speaks through your imagination just as he speaks to you through your relationships with other people, your ordinary experiences, desires, emotions and the like. And the active application of senses leads you to the passive reception of divine intimacy.
The “profit” you draw does not consist in the “lessons” learned during the contemplation. Rather, it is the realization of how God has impacted your mind-set through his word, powerfully enough to transform your life. The “profit” is God’s Christmas gift to you!
The Contemplations of the Second Week of the Spiritual Exercises offer a “package tour” of the sacred spots in the Holy Land. Why not take advantage of this pre-paid ticket for a return-trip to Bethlehem this Christmas?

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Fr.Sebastian Puthuparambil passed away

Fr.Sebastian Puthuparambil- 73 years old (Udaipur Diocese) died around 3.00a.m on 14 Dec 2012. The funeral will be held at Udaipur on 15 Dec 2012 at 2.00p.m. He was a Jesuit for 19 Years ( from 1957- 1976). Kindly keep him in your prayers.
Yours truly,

Friday, December 7, 2012

Fr .Ordonez Ignacio Passed away

Fr .Ordonez Ignacio (GUJ) 84/68 expired this morning due to heart attack (08- 12-2012 ) at Unteshwari. The funeral will be held at 5.00 p.m ( today) in  Unteshwari  Shrine, Kadi  on  08-12-2012.
Please remember him in your prayers.

Fr.Lawrence Dharmaraj SJ

To View the funeral ceremony of Late Fr.Ordonez Ignacio, Kindly click the link given below:

Personal Information

Birth: 23 -10-1928  (Spain, Navarra)
Entered SJ: 26-08-1944 ( Loyola Spain)
Priesthood: 24-03-1958 ( Anand- Gujarat)
Final vows: 02-02-1977 ( Nanakantharia)

One of the First Missionaries  from Spain to Gujarat

The first batch of Spaniards from Aragon Province (all of whom had previously received the formal appointment to Chaina) arrived in Ahmedabad city in February 1949. Since there were no direct international flights from Europe to Asia at the time, the Jesuits had to change flights several times on their itinerary: Madrid-Rome, Rome-Athens, Athens-Karachi, Karachi-Ahmedabad. The 6 pioneers are: Hilario Azpitarte, Miguel Angel Urrutia, Ignacio Ordonez, Jose Luis Lopetegui, Ramon Eizaguirre and Felix Ilarraz.

Responsibilities held
Asst PP: Retreat house, Baroda—1960
PP at Gothada—1961
Asst PP at Bhiloda—1971-1973
PP at Nanakantharia -- !973-1983
Socius to the Provincial –1984-1989
PP at Meghrej –1989-1993
Asst PP at Meghrej—1993-1994
Asst.PP at Bhiloda—1994-2004
Asst.PP at Unteshwari—2004-2012

Bible Convention at Dadhwada

Bible Convention at Dadhwada

To celebrate meaningfully the Year of Faith, Dadhwada Mission organized the first-ever Bible Convention for the Diocese of Baroda, from 15 to 18 November. Fr George and his team from Delhi led the faithful to understand and deepen their faith. This convention was solemnly inaugurated by Bishop Godfrey. The theme was 1) Faith: source of our Christian Life 2) Faith: leading to reconciliation 3) Faith: leading to experience us to God’s Love 4) Fruit of Faith: anointing by the Holy Spirit. Though the sermons preached were in Hindi, it was easily understood and served as an instrument to deepen the faith. Bishop Thomas Macwan, of Ahmedabad was the main celebrant on the second day and Archbishop Stanislaus Fernandes was the main celebrant on the third day.

Mr Rupsing and the team from Unai Parish sang inspirational bhajans all through the convention, providing a devotional atmosphere. Almost 3000 and more devotees benefited from the sacrament of Reconciliation. The Fathers, the Sisters and the catechists from different parishes of South Gujarat accompanied their faithful in large numbers to this convention. Many were touched and healed from their sicknesses and thus their faith was strengthened. Many faithful from Dadhwada Parish and other parishes contributed generously in various capacities towards the success of the convention. Fr Jelastin from Khambholaj parish guided the Fathers, the Sisters and the convention committee of Dadhwada Parish and he did a wonderful work as the facilitator during the convention. Witnessing the large number and display of faith of the participants, the faithful expressed a strong desire to have such conventions in South Gujarat in the future. (Fr. James Vas)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Bible Convention at Anand

Bible Convention at Anand

In order to mark the beginning of the Year of Faith a Bible Convention  was held in the premises of St Xavier’s High School Gamd, Anand from 15 to 18 Nov. It was +organized by Anand Deanery and hosted by Anand Community. Banarasi Swamiji and founder of Matrudham Ashram in Varanasi Rev Fr Anil Dev IMS was the main preacher along with his team. Fr Anil, in his fluent Hindi and magnetic preaching kept the entire crowd under the beautiful shamiana calm and devoted. The spectacular backdrop prepared by Artist Satish on Faith, Reconciliation, Mother Mary and Holy Spirit based on each day's theme, and colourful banners in the campus depicting quotations on faith, and so on,  added extra beauty to the entire atmosphere, motivating people to experience  God's presence and energizing their faith. Frs Piyus Parmar, Maxim Crasta, the musician Moksha and the choir team, provided mellifluous music No wonder the last day of Bible Convention attracted a record crowd of more than five thousand people reciting "Prabhu ki Stuti, Ishwar ko Dhanyavad" and Alleluia. Many people were healed of various sicknesses and many left their walking sticks. The food for the body was not less as nourishing as the food for the soul. The Youth along with the parish volunteers did a marvellous task providing 20 food counters and serving the food to entire crowd in less than an hour without any difficulty. One and all appreciated the arrangements, food, all the facilities provided. Some were given boarding and lodging also. People were amazed with all the work done by our parishioners and thanked all of us. The parish Priest Fr Albert Delgado,  had left no stone unturned for the success of the Bible Convention. His foresight, hard work and encouragement brought the leap of faith for the people. Hats off to Fr Albert Delgado and his team!  Really Gamdi Parish's flag remains high with spirit in the Church of Gujarat!  (Fr Nagin Macwan)