Tuesday, September 30, 2014



My dear friends in the Lord,
On Sat 13th September, a little after midnight, Fr. S. Amalraj answered the call to be in the Company of Jesus in heaven. We pray for his departed soul. We have a number of sick in our midst. Besides their own community, the Province Infirmary at Jeevan Darshan, Premal Jyoti, St. Mary's Nursing Home and St. Xavier's College communities are taking care of some of them. I express my gratitude to these communities for taking care of the sick of the Province.
It is true that we have a Province Infirmary to take care of the sick and the aged. The Province will go out of its way to ensure that all the sick and the aged are taken care of in the Province infirmary. However, the primary responsibility of taking care of the sick and the aged members of the community lies with the community. To the extent possible, the sick and the aged should be cared for by the community. But there comes a time when an active community cannot physically take care of the sick and the aged. That is the time to ask the Province to take care of them. I'm sure, the sick and the aged would prefer to be cared for in and by their own communities, to the extent possible.
The sick and the aged, even when sent to the Province Infirmary, still remain members of their particular community. I'm sure all members of the community will want to and do go out of their way to keep in touch with the sick and the aged of their community through phone and visit when possible, in the infirmary or the hospital. They will do well to mention them in their daily prayers both at individual and at the community level. I'm sure most of us do this, but it is always good to keep reminding ourselves of our grateful duty towards the sick and the aged of our community. 
In the understanding of the Society, we work as a community under a Superior. Directors of Works, including PP who are not also Superiors also work under the guidance of the local Superior. Keeping this in mind, communications regarding matters of the community and its ministries should come through the local Superior. When the local Superior signs any such documents, what he is saying is that he has followed due process of consultation and he takes complete responsibility for the communication. This is a help we want to provide the community to discern together, find God's will and follow the same.
October, the month dedicated to Our Lady and recitation of the Rosary is also the month of festivals. We remember the Father of the Nation, Gandhiji and pray that we all follow the path of ensuring that the benefits of freedom go unto this last.
To help us remember this and put into practice, Oct 2 to 8 is celebrated as Joy of Giving Week, now also called, Dan-Utsav. I encourage all to give of their very best and encourage others to do so.
Gujarat celebrates Navratri, the festival of fertility, dance and joy. May the Lord grant plentiful crops and give us the spirit of sharing the goods of this earth with all. May Dashera be a festival for us to overcome evil with good.
On 6th, our Muslim brethren celebrate Bakr Id, remembering the willingness of our Patriarch Abraham to sacrifice his only son. May this celebration lead us to sacrifice our very selves for the Greater Glory of God.
On 8th of this month, Archbishop Stanislaus Fernandes completes 75 years. I urge all to remember him very specially on this day.
On behalf of the Province, I extend our greetings to Bp Thomas Macwan as he celebrates his birthday on 14th.
Fr. General will be present for the JCSA Meeting to be held in Phesama, Nagaland. Kindly keep the JCSA and the whole Society in your prayers.
At the end of October, the Province will host the national JEMAI Convention. Do pray for all our indigenous people and all those who work among them.
I wish you all a Happy Diwali, the festival of lights. May we keep our lamps burning and enlighten the path of all.
Do say a special prayer for our Coadjutor Brothers as we celebrate the feast of St. Alonso Rodrigues.

A. M. D. G.

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