Saturday, June 4, 2022


11. Ignatius and La Storta


After his ordination Ignatius worked with Favre and Laynez in Vicenza in Northern Italy. In Italy he received great favours from God similar to those that he had received at Manresa. He was praying to Our Lady that he be placed with her Son i.e., be able to follow Jesus and imitate Him in the apostolic works.


In September 1537 Ignatius and his companions decided to go to Rome. Before leaving they decided that if anyone would ask them who they were and they would say, “We are the Company or the Society of Jesus” because Jesus alone was their head. The companions went to Rome in small groups. Ignatius went with Laynez and Favre. On the way Ignatius felt that God was about to give him a special grace so he asked his companions to pray fervently. At the village of La Storta, about 20 kms north of Rome, as Ignatius was praying in a roadside chapel, he saw Jesus carrying His cross. Next to Jesus was the God the Father. Ignatius heard the Father saying to Jesus, “I want you to take this man as your servant (companion in work). Then he saw Jesus turning to Ignatius and saying, “We want you to serve us.” The Father then said to Ignatius, “I will be helpful to you in Rome.” Ignatius realized that his prayer to Our Lady had been answered and that he had been placed by the Father with the Son. He realized that he was called to be in companionship with Jesus, i.e., to help Jesus in bearing His cross in the world through the Vicar of Christ.


Ignatius felt deeply united with Jesus and offered himself to labour for the Glory of God at La Storta. Later, Ignatius and his companions realized that the Father’s favour was not just for Ignatius alone but was also meant for the entire group. Ignatius and his companions dedicated their lives to work together with Jesus for the Glory of the Father because the Father had placed them with His Son. Ignatius always regarded the La Storta experience as one of the greatest graces that he received in his life - for him and for the Society of Jesus.

( Coming up next.   Chapter 12.Ignatius in Rome. )

"Placed with the Son"- A short biography of St. Ignatius


By Fr. Lawrence Dharmaraj, SJ


(From the personal study notes under the guidance of late Fr. Maurice Dullard, SJ. 

A special thanks to Fr.Vincent Saldanha s.j for doing the necessary corrections))


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